News and Views: May 5th 2007
More problems “Down Under”
According to the Australian Government Equal Opportunities and Human Rights Commission: “Despite a decade or more of economic growth and prosperity, many Australians say they are not living the lives they want. They feel pressured, stressed and constrained in the choices they can make, particularly at key points in their lives.” Europe, Australia, and Canadia are all much more aware of problems with workplace stress than the USA, where the attitude persists that business is purely about making money—and anyone who can’t cope with that better get out. It’s fine to be on your own when you are ahead of the pack; not so good to be behind everyone else, as the USA was in the debate about global warming. [link]Britons have the blues too
According to The Guardian newspaper: “. . . fewer people can look forward to a secure old age; most will have to work longer, and harder, for their retirement. Levels of engagement and trust at work are obstinately low. Since real salary increases have been hogged by the best paid, inequality with even medium earners has grown by leaps and bounds.” Does that sound familiar? How about this: “AIM’s work on UK companies’ notorious reluctance to take up advanced management practices shows that the idea that there is something called ‘best practice’ that can be bodily transferred from one context to another is simplistic. Instead, companies need to look within themselves as much as outside to develop their own unique ‘signature’ processes. This is why Toyota remains way out in front of other car firms, despite all attempts to imitate it.” Or this: “Establishing such processes involves building human and organizational capital - patient, painstaking work. But today’s institutional context might have been designed to make such long-term organization-building impossible.” [link]Here’s a very likely cause of more stress
According to yet another survey: “Many employees spend their careers wrestling with their conscience about how they earn their living, as managers force values on them that conflict with their own personal outlook on life.” No! You mean that employers try to force their staff to compromise their consciences to make more money? Hey, guys, listen to this . . . Seriously, no one needed a survey to understand this, but it sometimes help to see the plain facts in print. [link]More negative survey data
A survey of retail employers by Harris Interactive on behalf of found: “When it comes to job satisfaction, more than a quarter of workers (27 percent) surveyed feel they have been overlooked for a promotion at their current job. Forty-four percent say they are unsatisfied with their pay. One-third (33 percent) are not satisfied with their work life balance, with more than half (54 percent) saying their workload is either heavy or too heavy, and 44 percent saying their workload has increased in the last six months. In terms of career advancement, 34 percent are dissatisfied with opportunities at their current position and 36 percent are dissatisfied with the training and learning opportunities.” Hardly a good situation for retaining talented staff! [link]Signs to get out . . . fast!
I know that it’s long been said that when a corporation buys an executive jet, has fancy landscaping done on its HQ, or you see the CEO’s face on the front cover of smart business magazines, it a good sign of impending collapse. But the CEO buying a grand home? I guess it;s much the same syndrome: overweening arrogance and personal aggrandizement. It seems that finance Professors Crocker Liu of Arizona State University and David Yermack of New York University found that: “regardless of the source of finance, future company performance deteriorates when CEOs acquire extremely large or costly mansions and estates.” [link]How Do I Convince Employers I Want to Downshift My Career?
That’s the provocative question asked by The answer? It’s going to be tough, since corporations are suspicious of motives like wanting to avoid working 18-hour days. You can read the rest here. [link]Don’t do as I do, do as I tell you
Senior executives seem to believe that they know it all already. Well, I guess many of us suspected that, but here’s some proof that senior managers are rather unlikely to take training themselves, whatever they say bout the need others have for it. This new survey reveals that of all corporate staff levels, the most senior are the least likely to get training. [link]Yoga anyone? has an article on the best workplace stress relievers. They have pictures too! I wasn't too keen on the snide, journalistic tone, or the seeming emphasis on the obvious (control your schedule, take regular breaks), but you might find something useful. [link]The Power of 10 Minutes
LifeDev has a fascinating article on what you can get done in 10 minutes. As the author says: “ . . . 10 minutes… now that’s a tasty number. Not only will ten get you started, you’ll probably be finished too, if you focus. And focus is practically required with 10 minutes. It’s a small, focused amount of time.” Worth a look. [link]Is workplace stress falling?
It is, according to a recent survey. Falling very quickly. Yet extreme versions, characterized as “desk rage,” are rising. Confused? So was I. Maybe reading the article will help sort it all out. [link]Labels: News

I thought the current edition of this magazine might be of interest to you since it has many articles on leadership:
Thanks, Stephanie. great link.
Keep reading, my friend.
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