Fatigue flattens U.S. productivity
Research shows that almost four out of 10 Americans suffer from fatigue at work. [
Generation X: A different type of leadership
As Generation X replaces the Baby Boomers in leaderships positions, a radical change is predicted. [
New generation attitudes
In a new survey of undergraduates, the highest ranking career goal was the desire for balance between personal life and career. [
Money and work are leaving Scots more stressed out than ever
Scots are being urged to take more effective measures to combat stress, as a major survey reveals the condition is endemic in the UK. [
American workers lag the rest of the world in work-life balance
The U.S. lags much of the world in helping workers balance work and family, a new study by Harvard and McGill universities finds. [
Work-life balance retards Aussie optimism
CONFIDENCE among Australian consumers has slumped to its lowest point since 2003 thanks to a pessimistic outlook on employment and quality of life. [
Nine ways to devastate productivity in others
Nine ways to wreak havoc on someone's ability to get work done. [
Power turns people into assholes
People with power tend to be more oblivious to what others think, more likely to pursue the satisfaction of their own appetites, poorer judges of other people's reactions, more likely to hold stereotypes, overly optimistic and more likely to take risks. [
Global discontent afflicts middle managers
On average, just four out of 10 (39 per cent) described themselves as "extremely" or "very" satisfied with working at their current organisations. [
I emphatically disagree with the article "Generation X: A different type of leadership." Being Generation X'er myself, I see many of us bringing up the need for change in our organizations. Also, I believe that a number of us are in tune with learning what it means to be a leader. It's part of that Gen-X self-sufficiency. If the baby boomers aren't going to pass it down to us, we'll often take the bull by the horns and learn the skills ourselves or look for people who will teach us. Where I think at least from my own experience, we are lacking is our ability to connect and bridge with each other to be a more effective vehicle for change.
Thanks very much for your comment, nkilkenny.
Great to hear from one of the folk being characterized. I thought the picture of the baby boomers was rough (and probably wrong), but then I'm a baby boomer!
That's journalism for you. Over-dramatization and simplification makes for a more immediate article than the subtleties of reality.
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