Top 12 ways to restore your work/life balance

“So you took the test and have realized that you are a workaholic. Or the most important other person in your life has convinced you that you behave like a workaholic. And you want to do something about it. Here are 12 ideas for beginning that restoration project. . . .” [Read more >>]

Bad manners undermine morale

“Amid signs that an epidemic of rudeness and bad manners is infecting our working environments, researchers have confirmed that colleagues or mangers who are rude and undermining can have a demonstrable negative impact on employee engagement and productivity.” [Read more >>]

Fear of success vs. Fear of failure?

“Let’s be honest: All of us have doubts that block us from doing things. It’s even socially acceptable to talk about some ‘fear of failure.’ But ‘fear of success?’ It’s just as real. Being afraid to achieve the very things that we want. How does it happen?” [Read more >>]

Schedule time before the seminar for “after the seminar”

“We all know what it can be like to leave a meeting and have to dive right into the flood of incoming input again. (Ever had a meeting-to-meeting-to-meeting day?!) Having a few hours blocked out the next morning, or even after the seminar (or early or late evening could work for some) may give enough time to set up the new processes and/or systems.” [Read more >>]

Dispatches from the war on stress

“In a highly competitive, globalized world, psychological health is increasingly taking a back seat to moon-shot target-setting and a relentless focus on making the numbers. Jeffrey Pfeffer, who teaches organizational behavior at Stanford Business School, sums up the prevailing attitude at many companies: ‘First we’re going to scare you to death and, now, give you some psychological counseling to try to make you feel better.’ Much more effective, says Pfeffer, is getting ‘rid of the source of the problem and not Band-Aiding it.’” [Read more >>]

Ten habits to boost your happiness

“Good habits can make you more effective. Great habits will make you happier. I’ve recently been trying to collect habits that make me appreciate life more. Finding the habits that make you more productive isn’t that hard, but placing the right rituals that impact your happiness is more difficult. Here are the top ten I’ve found helpful . . .” [Read more >>]

Stop being so nice to your co-workers

“Do nice guys finish last at work, too? A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology says yes. Dr. Nikos Bozionelos of the University of Sheffield in England researched personality and career success and found that white-collar workers who were the most agreeable, conscientious and sensitive to the needs of others were less likely to be promoted. Bozionelos believes it’s because they don’t put their own needs first . . .” [Read more >>] [via]

10 Ways to have a happy workday

“It’s easy to have a good day at work if you prepare in advance and keep a good running list of how to get through with the most happy day. Here are the top 10 ways to have a happier workday . . .” [Read more >>] [via]

Workplace stress blamed for limiting some careers

“Many Canadian workers say workplace stress has negatively affected them physically or psychologically, with one in five claiming it has limited their careers, according to survey results released Monday.” [Read more >>]

Lost sleep is gone for ever

“The average American sleeps an hour less each night than they did 40 years ago. But if you think that catching up on sleep at the weekend will make up for the sleep you didn’t get during the week, dream on. Researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago have found that repeated sleep loss or interruption quickly damages our ability to catch up on lost sleep.” [Read more >>]

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